Saturday, May 21, 2022

The What Meme

Typically it's used as a reaction image to express confusion or disbelief, but originally it was used to describe a deliberate attempt to cover up a murder.

Origin of  The What Meme

The what meme has its origins in an old Rug Doctor advertisement. It can be found in a wide variety of stores, but also comes with Rug Doctor products and rentals. 
What exact date this ad originated is uncertain, but according to TinEye, the earliest found example online dates back to 24th November, 2014.
Redditor kittty_velor first used the ad in a meme format on Reddit on June 26th, 2017.
This post received over 99 comments and 5,300 upvotes.

The What Meme Examples

Execute a Plan of Action and Get Motivated

You have a large goal to reach, but it's lofty and looks impossible to reach, how do you go about obtaining that goal? There is a tool that is available to you and that is called an Action Plan. 

An Action Plan is different from a "To Do List" because it deals specifically with reaching one single goal. To do lists are used for multiple tasks that are unrelated to each other.

Why does an Action Plan work? 

It helps you to concentrate on each stage of your ultimate goal and helps chart your progress towards it. 

Drawing up an Action Plan simply means to list the tasks that need to be completed to achieve your main goal. It sounds simple and it is, while also being extremely useful in charting your progress. 

An Action Plan will help keep you on track if you tend to get distracted or discouraged about reaching your goal. It's such a joy to be able to mark each task off your list and see how each step is bringing you closer to your goal.

Let's look at an action plan that I developed to have a book published.

1. Develop your plot ideas and your characters. 

You have to start somewhere and you should know your characters and have a basic idea of what type of book you want to write. Determine if it will be fiction or non-fiction, for adults, children, or a book of poetry. That should be the first item on your Plan of Action.

2. Write your book. 

Take it chapter by chapter and keep plugging away on your manuscript until it is done. You may only write a paragraph at a time, but you are still working toward your main goal of publication.

3. Revisions and editing is the next step after your book is completed. 

It's a necessary step to the process even if it isn't your favorite part of writing. You want to send the very best to an interested publishing company, agent, or editor.

4. Research where your manuscript should be sent. 

You really don't want to send your romance novel to a science fiction publishing house. It's important to know your market. Research; find publishing companies that are happy to take a new author if that's what you are. Find out what their specialty is before you send that manuscript.

5. You have researched, now it's time to send a query letter. 

This letter will give a short synopsis of your story and hope it will grab the interest of an editor.

6. Your book has been accepted and is on its way to publication. 

Now is the time to do pre-publicity. Talk about your book, be your own promoter. Unless you are a big name author already, chances are, you will be the main PR person for your book. 

Take a pro-active interest in promoting your book to family, friends, and businesses in your area. In this area, don't be shy, if you don't let them know about your book, no one else may.

7. Success! Your book is published and now nationally and internationally available. 

You've reached your goal taking small steps and working your Action Plan. Celebrate and then make a new goal and start working on that. 

Wasn't it satisfying to mark items off your list as you accomplished them? If you're original Action Plan looks too short or has too many large steps, break them down again. Small steps will always help you to attain your goal. 

A quote from Ralph Marston says: "Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality."

This can also work when you begin thinking about starting your own business. In fact, an Action Plan is recommended before you begin looking for financing for your new venture. An Action Plan will be slightly different from the one I outlined above, but will use the same basic principals. 

Take each step one at a time and give yourself a pat on the back when you have marked off each task on your list. 

An Action Plan will help you stay organized, chart your progress, and helps keep your goal in sight. Good luck reaching your goals!

Motivation, Goal, and Success

If you are looking for a way to be successful in whatever you do, you may be struggling to find the best formula to help you do so. The truth is that it takes two main components in order to be a success in anything. 

The first component is motivation and the second is goal setting. In order to be successful, you need to have a balance of these two components. Without one, the other is useless. 

There are many people who are great at setting goals and then follow up with no motivation. They tend to get confused when they rarely meet their goals. 

It can be difficult to have the right balance. If you are someone who wants to be a success but will continue to get lost along the way, read more to figure out what you can do to get on the right track. 

Finding Motivation

Motivation is a difficult thing to stir up on your own. We are often motivated naturally to do things. For instance, when we are hungry, we are motivated to find a place to eat. When someone says they lack motivation, they are not being honest with themselves. 

Everyone has motivation inside of them. The difficult part may be funneling your natural motivation supply to specific goals you have in mind. Once you know how to motivate yourself, you will find it easier to stay on task.

Each person can be motivated in a different way. Some people work great on a reward motivation system. In this system the participants reward themselves each time they meet a goal. 

  • If you are trying to lose weight, then you can reward yourself with a new outfit each time you meet a goal in your plan. 
  • If you are trying to spend less, you can reward yourself with a night out each month you follow your budget exactly. 

Many people respond well to this type of reward system, especially if they were raised in a home that practiced the same system. 

Setting Goals

Along with finding your motivation, the other equally important aspect of being a success is learning to set goals. The most important thing to remember when setting goals is that you should always set realistic goals. 

Be aware of your capabilities. It is fine to push yourself a little, but if you create goals that are not realistic, then you will likely give up trying to meet them. Often people who set unrealistic goals are capable of the goal itself, but are exhausted at trying to reach it all at once

With many goals, like weight loss goals, you should break them up into smaller goals. You can work on part of the goal at a time. 

For instance, if you want to lose 100 pounds, it can be difficult to stay motivated with that huge number in mind, especially when the average person can lose a few pounds a week. Try setting a weekly goal of losing two pounds. 

If you exceed that goal then you can celebrate, but you may find that each goal is right on target. The less pressure you put on yourself to succeed, the easier it will come. 

When you do set a goal, make sure that you are constantly reminded of your goal. You can tell those around you of your goal so you will feel accountable for following through. 

You can also create notes to post around your home, office, or car in order to help you keep on track. No matter what your goal is, it must be remembered each day. 

As creatures of habit, we can easily train ourselves to be successful and meet our goals. When we are constantly focused on the goal at hand, we will be better able to do so. 

When you put 50% motivation and 50% goal setting into something you can guarantee you will succeed. 

Remember that everyone has the ability to be motivated. Each person may require a different technique, but we can all be motivated just the same. Also, be sure to set goals often. 

Reasonable goals are those that you are capable of meeting.

Never push yourself too hard with your goal or you might risk getting burned-out and quitting. Creating a balance between motivation and goal setting is the key to all success however, so keep trying and you will get it right!

5 Time Management Tips to Reach Your Goals

Reaching a goal is easy to say, and in real life can be harder to do. You see, not wanting t try or when you feel down will set your work back. That's why it's so important to stay motivated even when you don't feel like it. 
There are keys as to why you might not feel you're at full potential. It could be you - a not very self confident you.
If you think you can just fake it and you'll be successful, then think again. It won't work. So what can you do?
Start by looking your self confidence issue square in the face and then change it! No one else can, and to be honest no one else cares as much as you should. 
Write down why you feel the way you do and make a list of the areas you would like to improve or change totally about yourself. Be honest and know what is really important to improve on, and what can be changed. 
Develop a plan for your spiritual life too. If you don't have grounding in a spiritual or religious life, take the time to find one. It will change how you handle life, and any curve balls it throws at you. 
You only have one life to live, so live it to your fullest, and to the best of your capabilities. 
Without addressing your self confidence issue - no time management skills matter, but don't be to hard on yourself change takes time, but begin today changing your future.
Here are 5 tips that you can use to stay motivated, and to achieve whatever goals that you've set out for yourself in your life.

1. Make a plan to stay motivated. 

Write it down. Look at the different ways that keep you motivated and write those down too. There are endless possibilities for motivation that you can use, and there will be new ones that you might discover along the way. Take some time to read some books from inspirational power leaders such as Tony Robbins, or use spirituality to inspire you and give you hope.

2. Write you goals 

Take the time to write down every morning, or even the night before, short term lists for goals that you want to achieve that day or the next. By focusing on a few short term goals your long term ones will become closer and well defined. Take your long term goals and shorten them into easier to accomplish steps.

3. Use colored post-it notes

Walk from room to room and post some brightly colored post-it notes listing all of the positive things that will happen in your life by achieving your goals. Taking a look at the goals you will accomplish will inspire you to reach for the goal and not to give up.

4. Use time wisely by taking care of your body. 

Regular exercise and a healthy diet in conjunction with a steady sleep routine will keep you alert and focused on the goals ahead.

5. Reward yourself when you reach a milestone toward your goal. 

Do this by taking some time for you, in other words take the time to smell the roses. Soak a little longer in the tub, buy a new outfit, and take a day off to spend with a loved one, or just nap the afternoon away. 
Do whatever it takes to make you feel good about what reaching out for your goal.
As you go along with your plans always recognize that when the bad days hit, there will always be a tomorrow. 
However, if you notice that you just can't get out of the unmotivated mood you're in, then it could be signs of a physical problem that could be causing you experience depression. 
Imbalances in the body can really play havoc on your goals, and delay the time for you reaching your goals.

By reaching for the stars and succeeding you'll find things out about yourself that you never knew. The most important thing to remember is that you should never quit, even when the chips are down. 
Why? Because you understood and put into practice your own version of the 5 time management tips and beat the odds! The best thing is if you did it once you can do it all over again. 

How To Lose Laziness With Tasks

If you're having problems with self motivation examine your self closely. Could it be that you're in a mode of laziness because you just don't want to get busy? 
We all have those times and there is nothing wrong with having a bad day, but if you're in that mood constantly you might have a problem with self esteem. You're the only one that can fix it, so get up and start again. Work on the problems of self doubt that are leading you down this wasteful path. Only you can fix it.
However, there could be other physical problems that you might need to get checked out with a health care professional. Problems that you might not be aware of such as diabetes, low thyroid, or a host of any other type of medical issues can get you bogged down. 
So if after a reasonable amount of time, and with due work on your part, things just aren't changing, get checked out. It's your health and life.
Okay, what can you do if you're just feeling bummed out?
You need to get your life on track to reach a few goals that you've had in mind for a while, what can you do?
Here are a few tips that will set you back on track to get a little boost back into your goal setting routine, and motivate you to just keep at it!

1. Write your goals down and keep them where you can see it. 

Not stuck in a drawer out of site, but out in the open where you can view it each day. It's like bills, if you don't see it; it's out of sight and out of mind. If it's hidden in a drawer, you might as well have not written a thing because it won't do one bit of good to help you reach a goal.

2. Start with small goals. 

Don't try to accomplish the whole goal at one time. In fact you'll need to take a look at your goal and break it down into parts. Write down your ideas about the specific short term goals and prioritize. Then take little steps towards your long term goal or goals.

3. Buy some post-it notes and prepare to post your goals. 

Place these strategically around your home or office. Along with your posted goals include the positives and negatives about not reaching your end result. It doesn't have to be long, but short little reminders of the consequences. It's a wake up call towards action.

4. Don't just try to reach your goal once. 

When your goals are completed, start on new goals. Make it your routine to start on new goals regularly. You'll find that once you accomplish your first goal, it will drive you to succeed in further goals, again and again.

5. Enlist the help of others

Either to motivate you and inspire more action on your part, or just to be an encouraging friendly ear when you feel yourself grinding to a halt. If necessary find yourself a reliable life coach to help you when you're feeling the task is just too much. Often though just a friend is all that's necessary. You can even work together if you're on the same type of path or goal.

There's nothing like achieving a goal that you poured your heart and soul into. 

It's exciting to reach it, and when you do take some time and savor the moment! It might be a wise idea to reward yourself before you have attained your final destination. 
For example, if you're dieting, and you're just about to eat the upholstery off the couch, count up the lbs you've lost, and eat a small piece of dieters chocolate cake!

Now, take a deep breath and realize that your back on your diet, and can begin counting those lbs again that you're going to loose. 
Don't become discouraged - you can achieve that final goal of buying a new dress, or even taking a night out on the town for some fun when you've reached your final goal.
Just imagine, write down and post, how you're going to feel and look on that special night.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize: How to Accomplish Your Goals

We can set goals for many different reasons: goals can serve as personal guiding principles, or give meaning to life. Aiming to reach nothing means that you probably will.

Achieving personal goals can make you feel like you have the life you've always wanted. They can keep you from being a hypocrite in that you will be acting exactly how you say a person should act because you have a goal to reach. Moreover, they will help you feel that you are successful. 

You have something to work toward, something you can accomplish. 

If you complete that goal or even just take a step towards achieving it, you will have a euphoric feeling of success that you might not be able to experience otherwise. To accomplish those goals, though, there are several things you must do.

Before you can accomplish any goal, you must first set your goals. 

It might help to make a list. Try to start by making each goal a positive statement. Making a negative statement like "I will not make a fool of myself" will only hurt your drive to reach the goal. Your list should also be very precise. 

Be sure you have a way to achieve that goal. Setting times, calendar dates, or amounts will help this measure of precision. As you are setting your goals, be sure to prioritize them.

Instead of putting up sixty thousand dollars, perhaps you would rather climb Mount Everest. If you need the money to make the journey and the climb, it should certainly be listed before the climb. As you make your list, you should set two types of goals.

Make a goal for this month, then make a goal for next year. 

Short term goals should be small, achievable items for which you can reward yourself. Long term goals should still be realistic, but they should be slightly more difficult to reach. Above all, do not set your goals too low. This can only lead to self doubt and resentment. 
One way many people start considering their personal goals is by considering their funerals and working their way backwards through their lives. It might even be useful to write your own eulogy in order for you to decide what you might want to be remembered and though about for
This exercise is not meant to depress you, it is only meant to help you realize how important your life is and what goals you want to meet.

Once you have set your goals, it is time to start reaching them. 

The first way to do this is to remind your self of them often. If you sit down and make a list of your goals on New Year's Day, but then you do not even think of your list again until a year later, you probably have not made very much progress toward your goal. 
It can be helpful to start every day by reminding yourself of those goals. This can help in your drive toward achievement.

Another way to achieve your goals is to tie each goal to a mental picture. 

Instead of simply making a goal like saving a million dollars by retirement age, tie that to a positive mental picture of sitting in your dream retirement home that you have built with your savings. 
This can only help as you deposit so much of your hard earned wages into your savings account.
In order to achieve your goals, you should spend some time thinking about each one. Make a few lists on a regular basis. 
Make a list that discusses the ways to reach your goals, and make another list that looks at what is keeping your from reaching your goals. Information is power in any situation, and it is certainly true of this one.

As you think about each goal, you should also spend some time planning each goal. 

At least once a year, write down daily, weekly, or monthly steps you should take to help you reach your goal. Look at your plans often, and learn from them. 
How much are you actually accomplishing? 
Make adjustments to your plans and to your goals as you feel it necessary. However, do not sell yourself short as you are making adjustments.

Finally, in order to accomplish your goals, stay on track. 

It might help to find someone who can help you stay on track with your goals whether it is a spouse or a close personal friend. 
Additionally, reviewing your goals frequently, forming mental pictures, and not overloading yourself with goals can help you stay on track toward your dreams.